Why Iringa Residents Are Encouraged to Build Stable Homes in Hilly Areas

Why Iringa Residents Are Encouraged to Build Stable Homes in Hilly Areas
Photo/ Courtesy

As we know that housing or human habitation are things that reflect the progressive development of the individual or a society. Unfortunately, in most developing countries, those without proper housing also struggle with these three human problems which are ignorance, poverty, and diseases.

Due to the landscape of the Iringa region, which is full of hilly landscape compared to other regions found in the southern highland of Tanzania like Njombe, Ruvuma, Songwe, Mbeya, and regions founded in that region.

Residents of Iringa were forced to build their houses on the hills areas due to the scarcity of flat landscape. Seventy-five percent of the people of Iringa live in the hills.

Speaking to the residents, Iringa MP Jesca Mtambasavangu noted that the citizens should build stable houses in the area due to the hilly and rocky landscape that may be of risk to them.

The member of parliament advised the public to use skilled construction technicians to build stable houses with the aim of mitigating the effect of floods and earthquakes. 

According to Daniel Nywage, a resident in the area, he noted that many people have been interested in building affordable houses which is not stable and urged his fellow citizens to change their attitude in the investment of housing resources. 

This is because these stable houses can make themselves to enjoy their development and to be an inheritance for their generation. They must be bitter with their houses they should not build these houses like refugees who stay for a short period of time.