Safety Concerns and Liability Issues in the Airbnb

These challenges can be reduced or avoided if the right measures are put in place such as appropriate property licensing.

Safety Concerns and Liability Issues in the Airbnb
[File image of interior of an Airbnb. Photo/Courtesy]

Airbnbs are a great source of income or even a boost to income for their owners. The owners provide their customers with affordable accommodation facilities while in return they get revenue hence earning a living as a result. With Airbnbs, life isn’t always smooth, it has challenges just like any other business. There are so many crimes that can be committed in these Airbnbs. They have been turned into murder dens, criminal activities masterminds and planning places, violence places, rowdiness areas, and noise pollutants due to parties among other crimes. These crimes happen due to a lack of good licensing.

[File image showing the living room of an Airbnb.Photo/Courtesy]

Just recently we have had killings of two young ladies executed in the Airbnbs. They are often used for the wrong reasons since they are good hide-out places for criminals to execute their activities The Airbnbs don’t always end up being used for the intended purposes.

Airbnbs are prone to theft, damage and property loss. The clients end up stealing and destroying the properties or even the valuables. This ends up inconveniencing the owners and results in losses. At times the clients or the occupants of the Airbnb use them for hosting drinking parties and sex orgies causing violence and noise pollution due to the loud music and uncontrolled noises. This results in the corruption of morals and exposes society to bad behaviours, thus bad generational upbringing.

These challenges can be reduced or avoided if the right measures are put in place such as appropriate property licensing. This license should be binding between the client and Airbnb management and enforced strictly by Kenyan law. The license should act as a manual of how the Airbnbs should be used and run, contrary to which, legal action should be taken. As a result, the owner can recover the damages and losses through court processes in case there is a breach of the contract.

The homeowners of Airbnbs should be encouraged to acquire Aircover which is an insurance cover that helps in guest verification, reservation and host and guest liability in case of any property conflict. The guests also must abide by and adhere to house rules and regulations which are put in place to ensure there is smooth operation.

Also key is the employment of good, viable and quality security measures. These include qualified security staff and team, experienced security experts, installation of security cameras and hiring private security during the renting time.

Failure to have regulations in place and strict adherence to directives will see a continued rise in criminal activities in Airbnbs. 

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