8 Ways to Be an Ethical Landlord
A landlord who is ethical in their operations and communication will attract more tenants hence great property business returns.

Landlords have a perspective with tenants that at times might be negative or negatively biased. This, however, does not mean we do not have professional landlords with good reputations.
A landlord who is ethical in their operations and communication will attract more tenants hence great property business returns. A landlord should be ethical in the following ways:
1. Be Accessible and Responsive
Tenants desire and appreciate landlords who are accessible and responsive to all issues arising. When issues such as plumbing, renovation, or neighborhood conflict occur, they should be addressed immediately.
If such issues cannot be solved in immediacy, then they should have the landlord’s contact. Additionally, the landlord should ensure the communication is effective and act upon the feedback appropriately. A property manager or caretaker is advisable if the tenants cannot have the landlord’s personal number.
2. Attend to Maintenance Requests in a Timely Manner
No tenant would want to live in a rusty apartment or have renovation plans postponed every now and then. Once the landlord responds to maintenance issues timely, a good rapport develops between the property owner and the tenants. Tenants’ right to habitable living space should be respected.
In instances where the maintenance or renovation requires the highest standards of repair, it is imperative that the landlord has on speed dial a network of electricians, plumbers and contractors who will fix repairs efficiently and effectively while adhering to the professional building standards.
3. Be Flexible with Rental Policies
House rules and policies should be set in a way that they are flexible to all tenants. The “rental rules” should be in “expectation” that in certain situations rules can be “bent” or adjusted.
For example, during the Covid era, some landlords allowed their tenants to pay rent after being financially stable or getting employment. In another example, during a conflict between tenants, such cases can be solved outside court rather than having court cases that can damage the estate’s reputation.
4. Offer a Fair Price for Rent
An ethical landlord sets affordable rent that is in line with the rental market and also in line with the client’s financial “position”. A fair price for rent attracts potential clients while keeping existing clients happy.
This is important, especially for referrals toward the landlord’s apartments. The best practice for landlords intending to raise the rent is issuing notice in advance before rent increase demands are made. If the rent is beyond “affordability levels”, the property won’t attract a huge number of tenants hence loss would ultimately be registered.
5. Keep Track of Rental Documents
Correct paperwork and documentation ensure disputes concerning the property are solved amicably. It is advisable that the landlord keeps lease agreements and rental applications safe.
Furthermore, the landlord’s lawyer should have copies of these important documents. For example, when plumbing issues arise, the correct documentation should be done highlighting when the problem occurred or even the extent of the damage so that professionals know how to repair the damage.
6. Openly Communicate with the Tenants
With proper communication, the tenants and the landlord will live in harmony. As mentioned above, a rent increase should be issued with prior notice to the rent charge changes. More so, all rules and house or estate policies should be clearly stated by the landlord.
This will ensure conflicts are greatly reduced. Before the house inspection, notify the tenants of the impending inspection and all the details of the inspection. Tenants appreciate open communication as it makes their lives much better in your apartment or estate.
7. Respect Tenants’ Privacy
The tenant’s privacy is of utmost priority. No tenant wants house inspection done unannounced. Although privacy should be respected, security should be enhanced and measures such as CCTV cameras should be installed where “applicable”.
While privacy has a certain “degree”, the said privacy should not be a “stumbling block” to the rights of other tenants within the property.
8. Security
Security should always be beefed up on the property. Any security lapse should be dealt with seriously. Community policing is one way of ensuring the security of the apartment is the tenants shared responsibility.
The security cameras should be screened when any type of security breach is noticed. The landlord should hire professional security firms for the property. A safe and secure environment to live in is a tenant’s right and a landlord’s responsibility.
While the landlord should be ethical in standards and practice, the tenants should be respectful to the landlords and fellow tenants. In the same vein, ethical standards ensure legal tussle with the tenants is ideally out of the way.
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