How to De-clutter and Re-organize Your Home

Household clutter seems relatively harmless. But many people feel stressed and like life is out of control when they surround themselves with more things than they can manage.

How to De-clutter and Re-organize Your Home
Photo/ Courtesy

The idea of ​​living a simple life with less stuff sounds attractive to many, but most often, they begin to feel overwhelmed, anxious and defeated around the idea of ​​owning less. Household clutter seems relatively harmless but many people feel stressed and like life is out of control when they surround themselves with more things than they can manage. Learning how to de-cluttering your home and (as a result, de-cluttering your life) doesn't need to be as painful as some make it out to be. 

The benefits of de-cluttering your home include less time to clean. Cleaning is already enough of a chore, but having to clean around things you have zero emotional attachment to (or worse, actively dislike) makes cleaning the house much more stressful. De-cluttering will lead to less time to organize, less stress, less debt, and more financial freedom!

Ok, so now you know the benefits of de-cluttering your home but you may be getting tripped up by the very next question… where in the world do you begin? If you're struggling and need guidance on how to de-clutter, you'll need to get creative with your plans. Here are 6 interesting de-cluttering tips to get you started on de-cluttering your home:

1. Set Goals and Timeline

If you're new to de-cluttering, you can slowly build momentum with a few minutes a day. Before you get started, make a plan. No matter how much clutter you have to sort through, start with specific goals that will help you reduce frustration and roadblocks. Here are a few things to consider when setting goals and timeline:

• Write down or draw a map of all the rooms and “clutter hot spots” you want to tackle.

• Give each space a grade based on the severity of the clutter to help you prioritize your time. 

• Plan out times to work on specific areas when you expect de-cluttering to take longer than a few hours, such as the basement or garage.

• Tackle one room or one space at a time.

Set completion dates for each phase of your cleanup, and choose timelines that are attainable. Creating a de-clutter challenge for yourself that feels like a game can help you avoid frustration throughout the process.

2. Purge Your House of the Clutter

Here are a few options for disposing of items you no longer need in your house

    Donate: Have peace of mind knowing that something you no longer need is going to a new home with someone who does need it more. You can donate clothes, shoes, and other household items in good condition to a number of local charities. 

    Plan for a Garage Sale: You may be able to make some money off your clutter by hosting a garage sale if you're up to the task. Check within your neighborhood or homeowners' association to see if there is a designated garage sale date.

   Rent a Dumpster: Not everything will be in good enough shape to donate or sell. Renting a dumpster is an affordable, stress-free option if you have a lot to get rid of, or larger household items you're throwing away. 

3. Ask yourself if you love it. If you're struggling to sort an item into a yes or no pile, ask yourself if you love it and whether or not you actually use it. If the answer is no, it goes away. The only exception to this rule is if the piece has sentimental value. In that case, you can neatly store it in a labeled container or bin. Ninety-nine percent of the items you get rid of will never cross your mind again. And on top of it, you will feel 100 times lighter.

4.View your home as a first-time visitor. It's easy to "forget" what your home looks like to a new visitor. Enter your home as if you're visiting the home of a friend. Write down your first impression on how clean and organized the home is and make changes.

5. Take before and after photos of a small area. Choose one part of your home, like your kitchen counter, and take a photo of a small area. Quickly clean off the items in the photo and take an after photo. Once you see how your home would look, it becomes easier to start de-cluttering more of your home. 

6. Get help from a friend. Have a friend or family member go through your home and suggest a handful of big items to throw away or give to someone else. If you defend the item and want to keep it, your friend has to agree with your reason. If they don't agree, it's time to get rid of it. 

No matter which de-cluttering tip you choose to get started the goal is to take your first step in decluttering your home with excitement behind it. There is a beautiful world of freedom and fresh breath hiding behind that clutter. Deciding how to declutter your home is up to you.