Ways of Keeping Paint Brushes Soft

Wanting to restore your hardened paintbrush back? Here are some tips that will help you get back your soft brush rather than throwing them.

Ways of Keeping Paint Brushes Soft

 Boiling it in Vinegar 

Pour vinegar in a small bucket or a container and then insert your brush in it ,boil for five to ten minutes until its bristles become tender and be able to move.

Scrapping off excess paint

The build-up paint  in brushes always hardens them making the paint brush hard to use .So after boiling it in Vinegar ,now scrape off the build-up residue using a metal or even a wooden material . When using metals,be careful and gentle as it might bend and ruin the bristles .

Repeat boiling it .

This is after you notice the bristles are still hard.Boil it again in Vinegar and now leave it for sometimes to make sure it's bristles are soft.

Keeping your brushes in Plastic bags 

This is important as it would help to keep your bristles soft and also keeping them in plastic bags .It is a good way of storing them especially if you are transporting them .This keeps them safe as they would be clean and dry and prevent damaging by moths .

 Placing the bags in hot water 

It is an easy way to ensure that the bristles becomes softer . You can leave them for almost an hour and check out the results.

Rinsing off the brushes 

This is the final   step and now your brushes are super soft .You can use cold water to rinse them.

Edited by Pendo Setim.