How to Add Floor Heating Over Existing Concrete
The endless choice for homeowners in choosing the tiles to have in their homes gives them numerous choices in terms of how to make the tiles creative and appealing. This article highlights how one can add floor heating over concrete.

Tiles designed in apartments, houses, and homes offer comfort, style, and uniqueness. Additionally, tiles' designs, shapes, and sizes are myriad.
The endless choice for homeowners in choosing the tiles to have in their homes gives them numerous choices in terms of how to make the tiles creative and appealing. In as much as tiles are a great “floor feature”, the cold weather patterns mean in many houses, tiles are cold.
To counter this, people wear socks in the living rooms. Floor heating is the heating system placed under the floor to induce warmth whenever you step on the tiles. Today, we delve deeper into understanding how to add floor heating over existing concrete. This is done in the following ways:
Measure and Design the Template:
The electric radiant heating system embeds the mat that lays right over the tiles or concrete. Careful measurement is important so that the wire to the mat that contains an electric radiant heating system fits perfectly.
Companies that create the floor heating system provide a solid how-to-do plan for installing the mat and where to install the mat. These measurements are customized to fit the tiles' size of the house and the design of the pattern of the tiles.
Prepare the Floor and Mat:
Any previous cracks in the concrete should be repaired in advance. The level of the concrete should be leveled enough to receive the new flooring that contains the heating system.
The mat should be placed adjacent to the wall where the electric radiant system will control it. Installation should commence if the mat measurements correspond to the manufacturer’s guide. If this isn’t the case, then it means your mat may have been damaged during or prior to transportation.
Fit the Mat:
The mat should be approximately six inches from the walls or any fixtures on the floor. The manufacturer’s guide as mentioned above offers the blueprint of how the mat can be fitted in the entire living room or one particular place.
The mat should be cut carefully so that the embedded wires have restricted movement. If this is not taken into consideration, the floor heating system will not be efficient. Once the mat is laid out, ensure the heating system works properly and the electric meter reads the correct figures.
Install the Mat:
Having focused on the “skeleton work”, now it’s time to focus on the “meat” installing the mat. Depending on the manufacturer’s guide, installation of the mat should be done slowly and carefully.
One way you can install the mat is by use of hot glue. Additionally, one is advised to fold the mat back carefully by use of a trowel so that it fits perfectly on the concrete. In the usage of the hot glue, squeeze a thin line of the said glue into each portion of the mat. This ensures the mat fits the floor while the wires adhere to the concrete.
A warm floor is definitely on every homeowner’s wish list. Cold floors and tiles should be a thing of the past if homeowners embrace floor heating over existing concrete.
Installation of the floor heating system ensures the tiles are warm and comfortable. Try floor heating over existing concrete today.
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